Mountain Area Preservation supports projects that adopt and use “Smart Growth” principles. Smart Growth is well-planned development that keeps tax dollars in our community and provides more choices for our families. In the town of Truckee M.A.P reviews proposed development projects to make sure they follow the General Plan while enhancing our community and protecting our unique and fragile environment. We advocate for sound land use planning and oppose sprawling development. Sprawl is irresponsible development that takes our tax dollars away from our community and destroys open space. Instilling “Smart Growth” principles in development helps to enhance our environment, economy, equity, and civic engagement.
Smart Growth Principles Support Communities & the Environment:
- Offer a Variety of Transportation Choices – Promote Walk-ability, Connectivity, Accessibility
- Offer a Variety of Housing Choices – Single Family, Multi-Family, Senior, Affordable (deed restricted)
- Encourage Compact Development – Discourage Sprawl
- Utilize Existing Assets – Make Educated Decisions about Building Placement
- Provide a Mix of Land Uses – Commercial, High-Density Residential, Low-Density Residential, Recreation, Open Space
- Conservation of Natural Resources – Protect, Preserve & Enhance Our Precious Forests & Waterways
- Quality Design – Invest Time & Energy to Bring Appropriate & Compatible Proposals Forward
Source: Smart Growth America