Joerger Ranch Specific Plan, also known as Planned Community-3 (PC-3) is a future growth area within the Town of Truckee. As a land use advocacy group, MAP has had a long history of reviewing plans for the area and ultimately negotiating future land uses, zoning and the protection of open space along the State Route 267 corridor. As part of the Town of Truckee 2025 General Plan, PC-3 is envisioned for for a range of land uses (commercial, industrial and residential) in order to diversify Truckee’s economy without impacting Downtown Truckee.
Our Staff and Board worked with the Joerger Family representatives and consultants to discuss future land uses, open space preservation, workforce housing and the sites environmental constraints since the early 2000s. In 2015, MAP supported the Specific Plan and endorsed its associated land uses, zoning and guidelines at the Truckee Planning Commission and Town Council hearings. Since then MAP has been actively engaged in reviewing the Raley’s proposal by JMA Ventures, LLC. Our organization opposed the project locating within the Truckee-Tahoe Airport District’s non-aeronautical land and advocated for the project to be placed within the PC-3 Specific Plan area.
MAP’s Staff and Projects Committee reviewed the first phase of the Soaring Ranch land use application and met with the applicant to discuss the design, scale, environmental constraints and future housing to be pursued within the Regional Commercial parcel. MAP supported and endorsed the project at the Planning Commission hearing and at both of the Town Council appeal hearings in 2018. MAP is not associated with the current litigation of the Raley’s project and does not support the premise of the lawsuit. The project is consistent with the Joerger Ranch Specific Plan and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analysis from the 2015 Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
For questions regarding the Joerger Ranch Specific Plan and MAP’s involvement contact Alexis Ollar, MAP Executive Director,